The Tekken Dilemma: Fight Money Woes and Player Frustrations

Tekken players are questioning the purpose of accumulating fight money when there's a lack of enticing items to spend it on.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, the accumulation of fight money has players scratching their heads, wondering what the point is if there’s nothing substantial to purchase with it. One Reddit user, Sonuthepoki, took to the platform to voice their concerns.


  • Players are frustrated with the lack of items to purchase with fight money.
  • Some speculate that paid content may be introduced post-launch to push players towards microtransactions.
  • The value of fight money is questioned, with some suggesting it’s not worth real money.
  • Players express a mix of resignation and hope for future updates to address the issue.

Sonuthepoki’s Frustration

Sonuthepoki’s post reflects a common sentiment among players, highlighting the discrepancy between the abundance of fight money and the scarcity of worthwhile items in the Tekken store. The suggestion to introduce Tekken coins as an alternate currency resonates with many, offering a potential solution to the current dilemma.

Player Skepticism

Some players, like novaGT1, express cynicism towards the value of fight money, equating it to a form of inflated currency that holds little real-world worth. This skepticism fuels concerns about the future implementation of paid content post-launch.

Community Consensus

While some players like Nathanica remain optimistic, pointing out the possibility of future additions to the store and accessibility for non-grinding players, others like NVincarnate criticize the current state of offerings, emphasizing the need for items of value to justify the accumulation of fight money.

Amidst the frustrations and criticisms, players like mnejing30 offer creative suggestions for utilizing fight money, proposing interactive items that promote community engagement and player-driven events.

The debate surrounding the purpose of fight money in Tekken continues to spark a variety of reactions, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the player community.