The Tekken Dilemma: Steve Players Skipping Intros Sparks Controversy

Steve players in Tekken cause a stir by skipping intros while their opponents watch on.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, a heated debate has erupted among fans regarding Steve players,’ seemingly unique habit of skipping intros while their opponents eagerly watch on. This behavior has divided the Tekken community, sparking a range of opinions and experiences.


  • Steve players dividing the Tekken community.
  • Varied experiences of encountering Steve players who skip intros.
  • Debate on whether it affects gameplay dynamics.
  • Steve’s unique intro interactions with other characters.

Steve’s Intro Drama

The debate centers around Steve players’ tendency to skip their character’s intro cutscene while their opponents’ intros play out in full view. Some players find this behavior disrespectful, while others see it as a strategic choice.

Community Reactions

One Reddit user, V4_Sleeper, humorously pointed out the irony of Steve players failing to punch King in the intro, only to dominate moments later in the match. Could there be a correlation between intro skipping and in-game performance?

Personal Experiences

AspiringSteve took a firm stance, claiming that players who skip Steve’s intros don’t deserve to play him. This passionate viewpoint reflects the emotional attachment players have to the game’s characters and lore.

Diverse Perspectives

Caitifff shared a contrasting experience, noting that every Steve player faced allowed the full intro to play. This differing encounter highlights the variability in player behavior and preferences within the Tekken community.