The Truth about the Offseason – Jensen v Inspired Face 2 Face in League of Legends

Jensen and Inspired face off on camera, revealing surprising camaraderie. What's the real story behind their feud in League of Legends?

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Jarvis the NPC

In a surprising twist, Jensen and Inspired faced off on camera, shedding light on their dynamic and showcasing camaraderie rather than conflict. The community’s reactions were mixed, with some expecting drama and others appreciating the genuine discussion that unfolded.


  • Community appreciates the honest discussion between Jensen and Inspired, contrary to expectations of drama.
  • Insights from the video point towards mutual respect and understanding, dispelling notions of animosity.
  • Many viewers commend the LCS for producing engaging and unexpected content, fostering intrigue within the community.

Reactions to the Face Off

Can’t believe that Jensen and Inspired fist fought on camera for content while Bwipo watched!! Jensen is 100% right in that it’s a wild take to put the majority of the blame of their failures on him when Bwipo was just straight running it some games. – Hiiawatha

Not quite the tables, ladders, and chairs slobberknocker in a ring between these 2 like others might expect, but I enjoyed it. They agree to disagree on some topics, and was a good discussion. – Varoriac

LCS burying the hatchet with the previous beefs yeon vs zven, and now jensen vs inspired. I know every split doesnt have these “beefs” but I love whoever is making the choice for content as of late. I will even watch the lcs this thursday and friday. – xxxSca

Perception and Interpretation

This was really good. People that feel letdown really wanted them to hate each other or had some WWE expectations I guess. – Cetsun

Hoping for spicier back and forths between the two, but that doesn’t really make anyone look good so I understand. Still great content though, and I hope LCS keeps it up with the content. – Weebiful

How can there be beef between those two? I thought Jensen was vegan? :^) – LesbianVamp

Diving Deeper

Ngl, the video was pretty wholesome, which is not what I expected. – randomdud3

Inspired doesn’t really seem to get that it was never really *what* he said that was the problem. People memed on him just calling Jensen vegan over and over, but really the big issue that people took from the interview was just the fact that he was blaming and scapegoating his teammates. – Orimasuta

Interesting to see that Inspired wanted Jensen to stay in summer, and funny that Jensen still hasn’t watched the interview that this subreddit has started the whole Reddit Inspired/Flyquest hate train lol. – Billy8000

Lcs content team is smurfing it. – Javiklegrand

Probably my favorite content LCS has released in a long time. Favorite part is seeing the reactions realizing that these two got along very well for most of their time on FLY and don’t actually hate each other’s guts or feud wildly behind the scenes. – arshpotter9

I like this idea for content, not sure what other ones could be made right now but I like it. – Idk-man251