The Truth Behind Being Hard Stuck in Apex Legends – Are Teammates to Blame?

Players in Apex Legends debate if teammates are holding them back or if they need to improve individually to climb ranks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are divided over the impact of teammates on their ability to climb ranks. Some argue that skill should prevail while others blame luck of the draw.


  • Players express frustration over the impact of random teammates on their rank progression.
  • The debate between individual skill and team cooperation fuels discussions on elo hell.
  • Some believe that proper communication and strategy can mitigate the effect of unfavorable teammates.

Insights from the Reddit Posts

Many players resonate with the sentiment that individual performance should be the primary factor in climbing ranks. RemyGee highlights the importance of being able to solo into Plat to prove mastery, suggesting that blaming teammates may be an excuse rather than a valid reason.

TheRandomnatrix sheds light on the challenges of Plat, emphasizing the skill discrepancies and the chaotic nature of the ranked system. They criticize the lack of gradual skill matching in Apex, leading to frustration for solo players.

Tammer_Stern shares a specific scenario in Platinum where team coordination and decision-making greatly impact the outcome of matches. This reflects the significance of teamwork in a game like Apex.

MonoShadow discusses the role of random players in carrying others through ranks, highlighting the disparities in skill levels and the struggles of solo queuing at higher tiers.

Soazigl argues against blaming teammates and stresses the importance of playing with like-minded individuals to enhance overall performance and coordination.

Useful-Contribution4 points out the challenges of solo queuing in Diamond and the impact of team dynamics on gameplay experience, showcasing the need for cohesive teamwork.

lettuce_field_theory emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and adaptation in gameplay, noting that blaming teammates without introspection can hinder progress.

forgot_the_Bop shares personal experiences of solo queuing to higher ranks, highlighting the individual effort required to climb and the importance of self-assessment.

Educational_Ad_4076 discusses the prevalence of smurfs and the impact of individual skill on rank progression, highlighting the need for personal improvement to overcome challenges.