The Ultimate Call of Duty Album Titles – Reddit’s Suggestions!

Explore Reddit's hilarious album title suggestions for Call of Duty characters in this epic list!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever thought about what a Call of Duty character’s album title might be? Reddit users have some epic and hilarious suggestions on that front!


  • Users imagine album titles for Call of Duty characters.
  • Hilarious and creative suggestions like ‘Reznov’s Revenge’ and ‘Numbers.’
  • Some suggestions tie in with iconic moments from the game.

Call of Duty Creativity Unleashed

Reddit user DillyBob88 suggests ‘The Numbers’ as a fitting album title, referencing a significant game element.

AgentWashington619B goes for a heavy metal theme with ‘Bullet In My Head’ as an album name.

Meanwhile, folkricc humorously requests a profile icon without a character’s name.

RepresentativeBig240 gets lost in the moment with ‘Where the f*** am i’ as a potential album title.

Iconic Moments Immortalized

Jay_DA_BOY takes a dark turn with ‘I shot and killed John F Kennedy (The Album)’ as a title idea.

Slowbro08_YT plays on ‘Revenge’ and ‘Reznov’ with ‘Revengenov’ for a creative album name.

Tuggspeedman345 imagines an album recorded in the Rusalka with a mysterious touch.

pinglyadya sums up a character’s journey with ‘Of all the things I’ve lost, My Mind is what I miss the most.’

Retro and Memorable

Spicymemedoge goes for a classic line with ‘I shall have my revenge’ as an album title.

R4diateur keeps it simple yet impactful with just ‘Numbers’ as a potential album name.

ScarecrowNV brings in the diss track vibes with ‘Hudson Diss Track’ for an album title.

Redeye762x39 harks back to iconic names in the game with ‘Dragovich, Kravchenko, Steiner’ as a potential album title.

Creative Spin

Sure-Palpitation2096 offers a chilling suggestion with ‘They All Must Die’ as a potential album title.

adriandoesstuff provides a twist on ‘Reznov’s Revenge’ by keeping it fresh and original.

Bombwriter17 takes a historical and mysterious route with ‘From Beyond Grassy Knoll and Bikini Atoll.’

SoloFalcon207 makes a bold statement with the album title ‘Reznov is me.’