The Ultimate Character Dilemma in Genshin Impact – A Reddit Discussion

Can't beat the game with just Archons? Reddit reveals the struggles of niche character building in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players discuss the challenges of event participation with limited character builds, sharing advice and insights.


  • Building only Archons can hinder event participation
  • Adapting to required elements is crucial
  • Diversifying characters is necessary for success

Pelicanyou’s Insight

Shedding light on the importance of utilizing the traveler in events and element changes.

Charles1Morgan’s Perspective

Emphasizing the challenges of limited character focus and the impact on event progression.

MikasSlime’s Take

Highlighting the necessity of expanding character roster for long-term content completion.

Struggling with niche character builds in Genshin Impact? Reddit reveals the struggles and strategies of players navigating event participation with limited character options.