The Ultimate Deep Rock Galactic Enemy Wishlist Revealed by Reddit

Fans of Deep Rock Galactic share their wildest enemy ideas for the game! What's the community dreaming up?

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic has sparked a frenzy of creativity on Reddit as fans pitch their dream enemies for the game. From terrifying giants to crafty camouflaged bugs, the suggestions are as diverse as the caves of Hoxxes IV.


  • Fans dream of facing off against new behemoths like giant worms and colossal queens for epic boss battles.
  • Ideas range from camouflaged centipedes to adorable helper creatures that fetch minerals for the team.
  • Some players suggest fresh challenges like terrain-destroying events and even having Mission Control intervene in unexpected ways.

The Dreadnought Dreamers

Many players crave more epic battles against Dreadnoughts, eager for larger-scale bug confrontations.

The Creative Concoctions

Players get creative with camouflaged bugs and helper critters, adding new dynamics to the game.

The Unexpected Interventions

From giant worms reshaping terrain to Mission Control becoming a hands-on threat, players want surprises in their cave-diving adventures.

The Deep Rock Galactic community is buzzing with excitement as they envision a future filled with innovative challenges and unexpected twists. The game’s potential for new enemies and encounters seems limitless, fueled by the boundless imaginations of its dedicated fanbase. Who knows what monstrous foes or helpful allies might emerge from the depths next?