The Ultimate Deep Rock Galactic Overclock Combo Discussion

Deep Rock Galactic fans discuss the dream combo of overclocks on weapons. What's the ultimate pair for maximum havoc?

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic fans are buzzing with excitement over the idea of combining two overclocks on a weapon for maximum chaos and efficiency. The post dives deep into the fantasy of unleashing the ultimate power combo in the game.


  • Players are fantasizing about powerful weapon combinations that could create explosive results.
  • The excitement is palpable as fans share their wildest dreams of overclock synergy.
  • The discussion showcases the creative and strategic thinking of the Deep Rock Galactic community.

Players’ Dream Combos

Deep Rock Galactic players are concocting some truly wild pairings for overclocks. One user suggested, “Fat Boy with Hyper Propellant. A super-fast moving projectile with enormous disintegration damage.” This combo promises massive explosions from within the target, leading to chaotic carnage.

Strategic Insights

Some players are focused on the strategic advantage of combining specific overclocks. For example, a player mentioned using Special powder + Sticky fuel on a flamer to create a fiery spectacle that engulfs the cave in flames. This strategic approach hints at the intricate planning and tactical thinking involved in creating the perfect combo.

Community Creativity

The Deep Rock Galactic community’s imagination knows no bounds as they experiment with various overclock combinations. From carpet bomber mortar rounds to double barrel special powder, players are exploring the endless possibilities of weapon synergy. The creativity and passion of the community shine through in their innovative suggestions.

The fervor and enthusiasm displayed by players in envisioning the most potent weapon combinations highlight the deep connection and investment they have in the game. As they share their ideas and theories, the community bonds over their mutual love for Deep Rock Galactic and the thrill of discovering new ways to dominate in the game. The conversation serves as a testament to the game’s ability to inspire creativity and camaraderie among its devoted player base, fostering a lively and engaging environment where players can explore, experiment, and ultimately, have a blast.