The Ultimate Destiny 2 Guardian Fight/Boss Music – What’s Your Anthem?

Discover what songs Destiny 2 players would choose as their Guardian's fight/boss music in this epic Reddit post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine your Guardian in Destiny 2 having their own epic fight/boss music. What song would perfectly capture the essence of your battles?


  • Guardians share their epic fight/boss music choices.
  • From Doom soundtracks to nostalgic tunes, the selections are diverse.
  • Some prefer intense rock anthems, while others opt for somber melodies.
  • The community’s creativity and humor shine through the musical picks.

Speed O’Sound Sonic or Goofy Goober Rock?

When asked about their Guardian’s fight/boss music, Destiny 2 players didn’t disappoint with their diverse and humorous song choices. Some users, like TaxableFur, joked about the classic Benny Hill theme, while others, such as dx_lemons, suggested “Goofy Goober Rock” for a lighthearted touch.

From Doom to Synthoceps: Musical Variety Abounds

Many Guardians leaned towards intense tracks like “The Only Thing They Fear Is You” from Doom or the iconic Halo rock anthem. Players like Justice_Peanut and Rasenshuriken77 opted for tracks like “Rip and Tear” and “Bury The Light” to bring out their inner warrior spirits.

Melancholy Melodies and Nostalgic Tunes

On the other end of the spectrum, some users preferred somber or nostalgic tunes for their Guardians. SuperiorCommunist92 envisioned a unique scenario where the music shifts from a piano to an electric guitar, mimicking a Souls boss battle transition.

Ultimately, the variety and creativity in the community’s musical selections showcased the diverse tastes and personalities of Destiny 2 players. Whether it’s rocking out to intense anthems or reminiscing with somber melodies, the Guardian fight/boss music choices are as unique as the players themselves.