The Ultimate Dilemma: FIFA Fans Debate Continuing with Older Versions or Moving On

FIFA fans are torn between keeping their current game or moving on when the new version releases. What do they do?

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Jarvis the NPC

Every year, FIFA fans face a crucial decision: stick with their current version or dive into the new release. This dilemma sparks heated discussions among players, each offering their unique take on the matter. Some embrace the addictiveness of starting fresh, while others find comfort in their established clubs.


  • Players divided over staying with current version or moving to new release.
  • New players enjoy the thrill of fresh starts in Ultimate Team.
  • Established players value their time and progress in current game.
  • Community split on the longevity of older versions.
  • Gamers’ Perspectives on Sticking with Older Versions

    Some players, like GODaier, find solace in the dedicated community that stays behind, primarily casuals or late joiners who missed the launch hype.

    Others, like Interesting_iidea, opt for a clean slate, swiftly deleting the older version once the new game drops.

    ARatOnPC emphasizes the excitement of the initial stages of the game, suggesting that the start holds the most appeal for many.

    Nostalgia vs. Progression

    Sleepybear2010 highlights the boredom that ensues with everyone attaining high-rated squads, making a new beginning a welcoming change.

    klasing12345, preferring to wait for sales, juggles between different games but occasionally revisits Ultimate Team for a quick session.

    misterxboxnj, on the other hand, admits to losing interest months before the new release, yet remains connected to the game through in-app activities.

    Optimizing the Gaming Experience

    Last-Career7180 emphasizes the importance of securing low-rated special cards early on to ensure a smooth gameplay experience.

    Ok_Main_4202 plans to enjoy the game until January, avoiding burnout and relishing the final phase of the season.

    123fro regrets not starting earlier in the game, recognizing the thrill of packing special cards that enhance the overall team quality.

    Gamers like sh0g0 express their disinterest in both the old and new versions, signaling a possible detachment from the franchise.

    Ok_Hat215 takes a critical stance on the game’s community, addressing issues of gameplay quality and player behaviors that persist throughout the series.

    Boomtw3 echoes the sentiment that the initial phase of the game provides the best value for money, capturing the essence of starting fresh.

    As FIFA fans navigate between the allure of nostalgia and the excitement of new beginnings, their decisions reflect a diverse range of preferences, from cherishing established progress to seeking fresh challenges in each iteration. Whether players continue with the current version or eagerly await the next release, the debates within the community exemplify the enduring appeal and complexities of the FIFA franchise.