The Ultimate Fortnite Season 6 Debate: Loved or Loathed?

From primal nostalgia to frustrating quests, Fortnite Season 6 sparks fierce debate among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Season 6 of Fortnite was a rollercoaster of opinions among players. While some adored the primal era, others found its challenges overwhelming. Let’s dive into the Reddit discussions to see where the community stands.


  • Players are divided on Season 6; some praise it for innovations like crafting and bows, while others criticize it for its initial complexity and unbalanced elements.
  • The introduction of wildlife, weapon upgrading, and island escape mode were highlighted as unique and interesting additions.
  • Opinions on the Battle Pass varied, with some enjoying the skins and others finding them lackluster.

Fortnite Season 6: The Love

slvttyshark expressed a deep love for Season 6, citing it as their favorite due to the upgrades, map design, and characters. They fondly remembered Weeping Woods as a favorite location, hoping to find more players who shared their sentiment.

Fortnite Season 6: The Gripes

On the other end of the spectrum, Ok_Fishman_5960 found the early game crafting tedious and the primal elements unbalanced, ultimately leading them to stop playing after the first week.

Wildlife, Weapons, and Woes

Whimsalot_ appreciated the new features like wildlife and bows but found some bosses annoying, reflecting a mixed experience with Season 6’s additions.

Overall, Season 6 of Fortnite sparked diverse reactions within the community, highlighting the varied preferences and playstyles of its player base.