The Ultimate Guide to Apex Legends Quads Mode: Is It Really Fun?

Discover if Apex Legends Quads Mode is a hit or miss with players and why.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have been diving into the newly introduced Quads mode, sparking debates across the community. One user, irnriir, shared their positive experiences with 4v4 gameplay, highlighting the potential benefits of increased team sizes and longer, more strategic fights. However, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm…


  • Ir’n’riir praises the depth and excitement of 4v4 battles, emphasizing the strategic gameplay opportunities.
  • Players like Greedy-Health-7467 enjoy the longer fights and diverse legend compositions in Quads mode.
  • Concerns arise regarding matchmaking issues, unbalanced team compositions, and lack of communication.

Ir’n’riir’s Enthusiasm

Ir’n’riir highlights the dynamic gameplay in Quads mode, where larger teams promote tactical decisions and team cohesion. The extended fights offer a more engaging experience, with opportunities for creative plays and coordinated tactics. Additionally, the presence of random teammates adds an element of unpredictability, further enhancing the overall enjoyment.

Lingering Matchmaking Woes

However, not all players share Ir’n’riir’s enthusiasm. Some, like Sugarfree135, express concerns about matchmaking issues persisting in Quads mode. The frustration of facing highly skilled opponents while being paired with inexperienced teammates can detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. The mismatched skill levels create a challenging environment that may deter some players from fully embracing the new mode.

Communication Challenges

BarrothObama raises another crucial aspect of Quads mode: the importance of communication. In a team-based game like Apex Legends, effective communication can significantly impact gameplay outcomes. The transition from 3v3 to 4v4 requires players to adapt to new strategies and coordination methods, making teamwork and synergy essential for success. However, the lack of communication or coordination among teammates can lead to frustrating experiences and hinder the overall enjoyment of the game.

Despite the mixed sentiments surrounding Quads mode, it’s evident that the community values the potential depth and excitement offered by the larger team sizes. While concerns about matchmaking and communication persist, the overall consensus leans towards the positive aspects of the new gameplay experience. As Apex Legends continues to evolve and adapt to player feedback, the future of Quads mode remains an intriguing topic of discussion within the community, sparking ongoing debates and reflections on the game’s dynamic landscape. Whether you’re a fan of intense team battles or prefer the simplicity of smaller squads, the Quads mode in Apex Legends offers a diverse range of experiences for players to explore and enjoy, shaping the ever-evolving world of competitive gaming.