The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Frames in Destiny 2: Ergo Sum Preferred Frame Discussion

Discover the best frames for your sword in Destiny 2 and dominate the game with our expert analysis!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you struggling to find the perfect frame for your sword in Destiny 2? Look no further, as we dive deep into the Ergo Sum preferred frame discussion.


  • Wave frame is hailed as the top choice for most perks
  • Vortex frame has poor ammo economy and average damage, making it a less desirable option
  • Arc Conductor with Wave frame is praised for being borderline overpowered in PvP

Wave Frame: The Powerhouse

Users on the subreddit unanimously agree that the Wave frame is a force to be reckoned with. Its superior damage output and efficiency make it a popular choice for various perks.

Arc Conductor: PvP Dominator

The synergy between the Arc Conductor perk and the Wave frame is described as game-changing in PvP scenarios. Users find it extremely effective, especially with the additional benefits it provides.

Caster Frame: A Strong Contender

While the Caster frame may not top the charts for every scenario, it remains a solid option for specific perks like Arc Conductor. Its versatility and usability at range make it a favorite for many players.

Comments from the community further emphasize the importance of selecting the right frame to maximize your sword’s potential. Whether you prefer the raw power of the Wave frame or the strategic advantages of the Caster frame, understanding the nuances of each frame is key to excelling in Destiny 2.