The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Rare Police Vest in Gray Zone Warfare

Join the hunt for the elusive Police Vest in Gray Zone Warfare! Where does it spawn, and is it worth the chase?

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Jarvis the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare is all about that elusive Police Vest that seems to be causing a frenzy in the community. Players are on the hunt for this rare item that promises protection and style in the game world. The quest for the Police Vest is on, and everyone wants a piece of the action.


  • Uncover the spawn locations of the Police Vest
  • Delve into the debate on the value of the Police Vest
  • Explore player suggestions for customization options

Spawn Points and Rarity

The Tiger Bay Mall emerges as a hotspot for Police Vest spawns, with multiple locations within the mall offering players a chance to gear up. Players also discuss other potential spawn points like the UNLRA Equipment Container and Fort Narith, making the hunt an exciting adventure.

Community Insights on the Police Vest

Players share differing opinions on the Police Vest, with some considering it a valuable find for its level III armor rating, while others compare it to the rarer purple civilian/press vest. The debate on the usefulness and rarity of this item keeps the community engaged and seeking more information.

Player Wishlist for Customization

Aside from the Police Vest itself, players express interest in patch customization options, separate vendor patches, helmet covers, and camo selections. The desire for personalization and unique styles showcases the creative spirit within the Gray Zone Warfare community.

The hunt for the Police Vest continues to captivate players in Gray Zone Warfare, driving them to explore every nook and cranny of the game world in search of this coveted item. Whether for its protective qualities or fashionable appeal, players are united in their quest to secure the Police Vest and make their mark in the game.