The Ultimate Guide to Handling Asuka in Tekken – Tips and Strategies

Struggling against Asuka in Tekken? Get the best tactics and strategies from the Tekken community on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to handle Asuka in Tekken can be a challenge for many players, but fear not, as the Tekken community on Reddit has your back. Dive into their insights and tips to dominate your next match against this formidable opponent!


  • Patience is key against Asuka’s pressure game.
  • Baiting her attacks and making her whiff can create openings for punishing.
  • Utilize specific moves and strategies tailored to countering Asuka’s arsenal.

Strategies to Counter Asuka’s Moveset

Asuka mains: focus on staying defensive and frustrating your opponent to create openings for punishes. Utilize your range advantage against her limited tracking tools to control the flow of the match.

The Importance of Patience and Baiting

Being patient against Asuka is crucial. She thrives on opponents overextending and chasing her, so baiting her attacks and making her whiff can lead to punishing opportunities. Don’t fall into her trap of luring you in; play smart and calculated.

Specific Moves and Counters

Knowing how to counter Asuka’s specific moves is essential. From duck launching her mid-high strings to using delayed hopkicks and sidestepping certain attacks, having a game plan tailored to Asuka’s moveset can give you the edge in a match.