The Ultimate Guide to Helm Upgrades in Skull and Bones

Sail through the high seas with the ultimate Helm upgrades in Skull and Bones. Maximize your pieces of eight production with these expert tips!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sailing through the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones requires more than just a steady hand. Players are diving deep into Helm upgrades to maximize their pieces of eight production. From strategic fleet management to crafting the most lucrative goods, every decision counts on the high seas.


  • Focus on high-level manufacturers for maximum profitability.
  • Upgrade key Helm components to boost production and efficiency.
  • Strategize fleet management to optimize trade routes and resources.

Maximizing Pieces of Eight Production

In the world of Skull and Bones, players are strategizing their Helm upgrades to milk every last coin from their ventures. User swiffswaffplop advises focusing on specific manufacturers that can yield high Po8 per hour, offering a strategic advantage. They recommend upgrading key Helm components for optimal efficiency and profitability.

The Strategy of Fleet Management

User Satsloader emphasizes the importance of planning your playtime to effectively manage your fleet. With 76 factories on the line, time management becomes critical in the high seas. User RutRowe24 shares their approach of focusing on high-level manufacturers and slowly upgrading smaller bases for steady progress.

Crafting and Selling for Silver

User DrItchyUvula dives into the world of crafting and selling to sustain your venture. By completing key storylines and maximizing Helm upgrades, players can amass wealth in silver. Crafting and selling goods become a pivotal part of maintaining a flourishing operation in Skull and Bones.

Players in Skull and Bones are navigating a complex web of upgrades and strategies to dominate the seas. From managing trade routes to crafting valuable goods, every decision shapes your success. With the right knowledge and strategy, you can conquer the high seas and emerge victorious in Skull and Bones.