The Ultimate Guide to Manor Lords – Top User Suggestions and Feedback

Discover the top user suggestions for improving Manor Lords and reasons behind the passionate player debates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords has stirred up quite a storm in the gaming community with its addictive yet frustrating gameplay.


  • Players propose resource management improvements for a more balanced gameplay experience.
  • Community members highlight the need for customizable building options and enhanced city planning features.
  • Differing player priorities surface, focusing on realism and city development over combat mechanics.

Resource Management and Balancing

Many players express frustration with the current resource management mechanics in Manor Lords. Suggestions include implementing a pacing system for resource consumption and introducing manual supply routes to prioritize buildings.

Customizable Building Options

Players desire more control over the building aspects in Manor Lords. Customization options for burgage plots, stone walls, fences, house styles, and placement choices are highly requested for a more tailored city-building experience.

Emphasis on Realism and City Development

While some players focus on battles and combat with the baron, others appreciate the realism and city-building elements of Manor Lords. Requests for intricate details such as specific tree planting, water mills, bridges, cobblestone roads, and church designs showcase a desire for immersive historical simulation.

The evolving nature of player feedback and suggestions highlights the diverse player base of Manor Lords, each with unique priorities and preferences. As the game continues to develop, addressing these varied perspectives is crucial for a successful gaming experience.