The Ultimate Guide to Market Detection in Manor Lords: Tips and Tricks

Explore the mysteries of market detection in Manor Lords and discover how to master it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords is a game that challenges players to manage every detail of a medieval town, from building homes to ensuring the market runs smoothly. One key aspect players often discuss is market detection, which can make or break the town’s economy. Players share their struggles with the system and offer advice on how to overcome its quirks.


  • Players express frustration with market detection issues.
  • Unoccupied homes can cause supply chain problems.
  • Tips include adding more food stalls and workers.

Market Detection Woes

Users like Iwuvvwuu vent their frustration with the lack of efficient market detection. They suggest making the market ‘global’ for a zone to simplify town building, pointing out instances where the system fails to recognize essential structures like food carts even when placed nearby.

Solving Supply Chain Mysteries

Commenters such as struggglingartist shed light on the connection between unoccupied homes and food supplies. They highlight the importance of maintaining a balance between housing and necessary resources to keep the town functioning smoothly.

Tips and Tricks

PowerfulCheesecake48 offers practical advice, recommending players to consider the number of food stalls and granary workers based on family needs. They emphasize the significance of ensuring sufficient food supply and efficient distribution to optimize the market system.

The Manor Lords community continues to brainstorm solutions and share strategies to enhance gameplay and overcome challenges. By collaborating and sharing insights, players aim to unravel the complexities of market detection and elevate their town-building experiences.