The Ultimate Guide to Upgrading Sim Racing Equipment: From TS-PC to Direct Drive

Discover the best choices for upgrading your sim racing gear from TS-PC to direct drive, with insights from fellow racers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts are always looking for the next big upgrade to enhance their gaming experience. One Redditor, Nickinatorz, recently sought advice on upgrading from his TS-PC to a direct drive wheel. With a budget of 700/800 EUR, Nickinatorz presented three potential options, sparking a lively discussion among the community.


  • Choosing the right direct drive wheel involves considering factors like compatibility, pricing, and additional features.
  • Options range from budget-friendly bundles to premium setups with advanced functionalities.
  • Community members shared their experiences with different brands and offered valuable insights to help Nickinatorz make an informed decision.

International_Hat113’s Advice on Moza

International_Hat113 shared their experience transitioning from TS-XW to a Moza setup, highlighting the significant improvements in power and fidelity. They emphasized the benefits of the R9 model and offered to provide more detailed insights on the upgrade process. Their positive review of Moza’s ecosystem added another perspective for Nickinatorz to consider.

Bfife22’s Concerns About Fanatec

Bfife22 raised concerns about ordering from Fanatec due to potential delays and customer service issues. They recommended exploring alternatives like Simagic that offer a more reliable quick release system and shared insights on compatibility with Xbox. Their cautionary advice shed light on potential risks associated with certain brands, guiding Nickinatorz in making an informed decision.

scwmcan’s Consideration of T-818 Base

scwmcan proposed an alternative approach by suggesting the T-818 base as a standalone upgrade, considering Nickinatorz’s existing peripherals. They compared the base’s torque capabilities to other options, offering a cost-effective solution for maximizing performance. Their suggestion provided a fresh perspective on optimizing existing equipment while achieving desired performance levels.

With diverse opinions and recommendations from the community, Nickinatorz received valuable guidance to navigate the realm of direct drive wheels and make an informed decision based on personal preferences and requirements. The insights shared by fellow racers illuminated the pros and cons of each option, empowering Nickinatorz to elevate their sim racing experience effectively.