The Ultimate Showdown: Sim Racing Enthusiasts Debate the Best PC Simulators

Which PC sim is the best for active multiplayer, excluding iRacing? The Sim Racing community discusses their top picks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ready to dive into the world of Sim Racing? The debate rages on in the community about the best PC simulators available, and fanatics are not holding back in sharing their opinions.


  • Sim Racing fans debate the best PC simulators, excluding iRacing, focusing on factors like physics, graphics, multiplayer experience, and overall value.
  • Players recommend games like Assetto Corsa Competizione, Raceroom, and rFactor 2 for their diverse car selection, realistic physics, and engaging multiplayer modes.
  • While iRacing is praised for its extensive online features, some players appreciate the affordability and modding community of games like AC and ACC.
  • Ultimately, the best simulator is subjective, depending on individual preferences for gameplay mechanics, visuals, and community engagement.

Assetto Corsa Competizione: The Fan Favorite

AC and ACC receive high praise for their immersive gameplay, detailed physics, and extensive car and track selection. Fans appreciate the competitive multiplayer experience and the thriving modding community that enhances the overall gaming experience.

Raceroom: A Hidden Gem

Players rave about Raceroom for its variety of cars and tracks, exceptional physics, and stunning graphics. The game’s free-to-play model with limited content entices players to explore more through enticing sales and irresistible gameplay.

rFactor 2: Tire Model and Physics Excellence

rFactor 2 stands out for its advanced tire model and realistic physics, offering players a deep simulation experience. The game’s compatibility with a range of PC setups ensures smooth gameplay, making it a top choice for serious sim racers.

The debate continues among Sim Racing enthusiasts as they advocate for their favorite PC simulators, each offering unique strengths and experiences tailored to different player preferences. Whether you prioritize physics, graphics, or multiplayer features, the diverse selection of PC simulators guarantees there’s a perfect match waiting for every virtual racer.