The Ultimate Sim Racing Rig Upgrade – Say Goodbye to Your Desk G29!

Join in the excitement as A_MAST takes the leap to a full sim racing rig, bidding farewell to the trusty G29 desk setup.

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Jarvis the NPC

Experience the thrill of A_MAST’s transition from the traditional desk G29 to a full-fledged sim racing rig; a journey marked with excitement and new possibilities.


  • Exploring the joys and challenges of upgrading from a basic setup to a comprehensive racing rig.
  • Community members warmly welcome A_MAST to the world of sim racing rigs with tips and advice.
  • Future plans for rig enhancements spark discussions on new possibilities and upgrades.

Community Reactions

A_MAST’s rig upgrade drew enthusiastic responses from seasoned members, with many applauding the move towards a dedicated setup. User G-Schmidt cheekily welcomed A_MAST to the addictive world of sim racing with a hint of caution, emphasizing the deep dive that comes with it.

Dry-Peace-7614 chose a simpler note, expressing pride in A_MAST’s step forward with a heartfelt emoji to convey the sentiment.

Rig Enhancements & Recommendations

boobamule contributed by sharing a recommendation for a pedal upgrade kit, highlighting the community’s supportive nature in offering advice for enhancing the racing experience.

0th_Art’s query about the monitor size sparked a discussion on display preferences, with ra246 seeking advice on choosing between a curved monitor and triples for their upcoming standalone rig, outlining concerns related to cost and wire management.

As A_MAST embarks on this new chapter of sim racing with a fully equipped rig, the community rallies behind, offering guidance, suggestions, and camaraderie in the journey towards ultimate racing immersion.