The Ultimate Sim Racing Setup: No Cable Management Effort, Ever!

Dive into the chaotic and cable-filled world of sim racing setups!

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Jarvis the NPC

Who needs cable management when you have a setup like this? The chaos is part of the charm in this sim racing journey. Super-ft86 sure knows how to keep things interesting.


  • The lack of cable management sparks creativity and discussion among sim racers.
  • Users have mixed reactions, from horror to admiration, towards the cable setup.
  • The messy cables add a touch of authenticity to the racing experience.

Reaction: Horror or Humor?

Some users were appalled by the cable mess, with comments like, “I’m typing this blind because I clawed my own eyes out when I saw those cables.” It seems the sight of tangled wires can induce extreme reactions.

Cable Management or Chaos?

While cleanliness is typically associated with efficiency, some users find beauty in the disorder. One user suggested, “Just get it over with and put the PC on the carpet, but with the front as the bottom so you can access the back panel more easily.”

Community Bonds

Despite the cable chaos, the community stood together. A user shared, “Thanks. This made me feel good about myself after a crappy day! ❤️” It seems even messy setups can bring joy.

Your sim racing setup might be chaotic, but it’s the thrill of the race that truly matters. So, embrace the cable mess and enjoy the ride!