The Ultimate Smite Showdown: Serqet with Fail-Not and Medusa with Arondight

Dive into the epic clash of items in Smite and see why players are torn between the new builds.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Smite, the battle rages on not just between gods and titans, but also between the items they wield. In a recent Reddit post, users debated the effectiveness of pairing Serqet with Fail-Not and Medusa with Arondight, sparking a heated discussion.


  • Players are intrigued by the potential synergies of new item combinations in Smite.
  • Some believe certain gods could benefit greatly from specific item builds, like Merc with Fail-Not.
  • There is a divide on whether Fail-Not’s stats outweigh its competition in terms of cooldown reduction and percent penetration.

Diving Deep into the Debate

Some players, like Kiryuin-Satsuki, express their concern over the power of Artemis with Arondight, hinting at the potential for devastation on the battlefield. Archerarcher0 questions the mechanics of Arondight with Neith’s ult, pondering extra damage possibilities.

The Item Impact

LittleIslander reflects on the consideration of physical damage items in relation to Serqet, emphasizing the strategic planning involved in optimizing builds for specific gods. AkiyoSSJ highlights Cherno and Hou Yi as potential powerhouses with the right item choices post-ultimate.

Perspectives on Fail-Not

DeltaTurqouise raises the idea of Fail-Not on Mercury, envisioning a versatile build that enhances attack speed, crit, and cooldown reduction for impactful engagements. MagicFighter weighs the pros and cons of Fail-Not against other items, particularly noting the importance of cooldown reduction and percent penetration.

The clash of opinions on these new item combinations in Smite showcases the diverse approaches players take to optimizing their builds. With each god bringing a unique playstyle and strengths to the battlefield, the choice of items can make a significant impact on the outcome of matches. As the meta evolves and players experiment with different strategies, the debate around itemization in Smite continues to thrive, offering endless possibilities for creative and effective builds.