The Ultimate Tekken Debate: Should Urban Reign Characters Make a Crossover?

Should Tekken consider adding Urban Reign characters? Reddit users weigh in on the debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans are split on the potential inclusion of Urban Reign characters in the game. Some see it as a fresh opportunity for diversity, while others believe it would dilute the essence of Tekken.


  • Urban Reign characters bring a unique vibe, but some fans worry about diluting Tekken’s essence.
  • Some fans support a crossover, citing the potential for fresh gameplay.
  • Others prefer remakes or additions to existing Tekken characters.
  • The debate indicates a divide between fans seeking innovation and those valuing Tekken’s tradition.

Fans Divided over Urban Reign Characters

The post discussing the possibility of Urban Reign characters joining Tekken sparked a lively debate among fans. Some users expressed enthusiasm, like bestmayne, who called John and Jane Urbanreign their favorite characters. They see the move as a fun nod to Urban Reign’s unique style.

However, not all fans share this sentiment. -Stupid_n_Confused- reminisced about liking Urban Reign but viewed the characters as forgettable. This sentiment echoed through comments from users unfamiliar with the game like pranav4098 and cryptofutures100xlev.

Urban Reign vs. Tekken Originality

idfkdudeguy pointed out concerns about Urban Reign characters potentially diluting Tekken’s uniqueness. The user highlighted similarities in movesets, fearing a lack of originality in the crossover.

On the other side, jocelynsslz expressed skepticism despite being a fan, indicating a cautious approach from loyal Tekken enthusiasts.

Kumaneko87 preferred a remake or remaster over character crossovers, emphasizing a desire for nostalgia amidst concerns about the potential direction of the franchise.

Preserving Tekken’s Essence

Some users advocated for preserving Tekken’s identity. Former-Internet8396 speculated that Harada, Tekken’s producer, might prioritize popular characters over niche additions like those from Urban Reign.

Rurorin_Rokusho suggested picking moves from Urban Reign characters rather than incorporating them entirely, showcasing a balance between honoring the game and maintaining Tekken’s core.

In the midst of these diverse opinions, the Tekken community remains divided on whether Urban Reign characters should make a crossover appearance in the beloved fighting franchise.