The Ultimate Tekken Showdown: Namco vs Capcom

Discover the hilarious debate between Tekken and Capcom fans on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to the epic battle between gaming giants, the Tekken and Capcom communities are locked in a fierce rivalry that goes beyond the console. Let’s dive into the uproar on Reddit as fans debate the merits of each franchise and throw shade at their favorite fighters.


  • Fans hilariously compare the convoluted plotlines of Namco to Capcom’s simple solutions.
  • The debate heats up as fans discuss the character designs of each franchise.
  • A Reddit user highlights the tendency of the fighting game community to pit rivals against each other while critiquing their own.

Namco’s Mishima Legacy vs. Capcom’s Bison Shenanigans

One Redditor humorously juxtaposes Namco’s intricate Mishima bloodline saga with Capcom’s straightforward return of Bison, showcasing the contrasting storytelling styles of the two franchises. The comment sparks a flurry of reactions from fans, each defending their favorite fighting game universe with passion and wit.

Cammy’s Allure and Tekken’s Charm

A debate ensues over the character designs in Tekken and Capcom games, with one user pointing out the lack of ‘cake’ and ‘thighs’ in Tekken compared to iconic Capcom characters like Cammy and Chun-Li. The discussion shifts to the visual appeal of fighting game characters, highlighting the diverse aesthetics each franchise offers.

Community Rivalry and Self-Critique

A thoughtful observation from a Redditor sheds light on the tendency of gaming communities to compare and critique rival franchises while sometimes neglecting to appreciate their own. The comment resonates with fans, prompting reflections on the nature of fan rivalry and loyalty within the gaming world.

The Tekken vs. Capcom debate rages on, fueled by the passion and humor of dedicated fans. As the Reddit thread unfolds, it becomes clear that the rivalry between these two iconic franchises goes beyond gameplay mechanics and character rosters—it’s a testament to the enduring love and loyalty fans have for their favorite fighting games.