The Unresolved Case of High Elo Moderation in League of Legends

A dive into community reactions to the ongoing issue of moderation in League of Legends' high elo gameplay.

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Portal Staff

Member reactions on the rise of issues in the “League of Legends” high elo gameplay, spearheaded by passionate rant from streaming personality, Tyler1, continues to stir dialogues in the gaming community.


  • Strong dissatisfaction among high elo players, mentioning unfair gameplay.
  • Evidence of nonchalance from Riot Games towards the issue.
  • Persistent calls for more stringent moderation policies from the userbase.
  • Player consensus leaning towards the necessity of a makeshift Tribunal to add a layer of player-fed monitoring.

An Angry Echo Chamber

User AllorimNA offers to “purge” the high elo chain, summing up the collective sentiment of multiple players incensed by the indifference from the makers. Similarly, comments from Scary_Ad_1903 and BuzzEU underline the consensus that Riot Games demonstrates neglect towards anything beyond casual play or profitability.

A Dichotomy in Moderation

Other users offered novel perspectives. Charrsezrawr‘s comment highlighted a possible hypocrisy in moderation, while splotchypoeny put forth the fiscal obstacle in detailed game review for player reports.

The Solution – An Elusive Mirage

Finding common ground among opposing opinions, solutions were proposed such as a high elo tribunal. As Vall3y opined, designating game review as a duty among high elo players might create a system of checks and balances needed to weed out misconduct. Meanwhile, LOLAREUNEW suggested a simple fix with setting a ping limit.

The overarching sentiment among the community members all echo the same tune – the need for reinvention of high elo moderation is necessary for a fairer, more enjoyable gaming experience.