The Unseen Furry Tragedy of Diablo: Guest Feature, Cats versus Dogs

The Diablo community sparks an endearingly hilarious debate: 'Let us pet the cats', a tragic lack in the popular franchise.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Diablo series, known for its intricate gameplay and immersive universe, has long captivated its audience. A lighthearted, yet serious issue has recently dropped like a bombshell in the community, sparking debates across various forums. The primary question being – ‘Why can’t we pet the cats?’


  • Cats are conspicuously absent from the realm of petting, a feature option provided to dogs in the game.
  • The online community is noticeably stirred, generating a barrage of comments in defense of cats.
  • The tone of the discussion leans more towards a lighthearted jest expanding the realm of gameplay rather than a serious dissatisfaction.

The Kitty Dilemma

As one user, OversizeHades, aptly elucidated, it’s ‘the most cat thing ever to not accept pets from humans.’ It’s interesting to witness how this playful point of contention ties into the real-world dynamics of our furry friends.

Another participant in the discussion, mcduckstophat, took the discussion into the realm of the absurd, stating that they ‘had a friend try to pet Mephisto, and legitimately believed she was.’

Cat Lovers Unite

While many users took the situation lightly, others voiced legitimate disappointment. User MelomanoViajero lamented over the inability to pet cats, considering it a ‘priority fix’ for the game. After all, why should dogs get all the love? It’s an endearingly amusing debate, shedding light on the passion of the Diablo community.

The Devs’ Thoughts?

Although a trivial debate, it raises an interesting question over the game’s design decisions. BVRPLZR_ cheekily suggested that ‘petting dogos will be nerfed in the next patch.’, hinting at a possible solution to the great petting discrepancy.

The discussion richly demonstrates how the gaming community can derive fun from even seemingly insignificant aspects of a game. After all, who thought cats versus dogs could have an entirely new battlefield?