The Unspoken Rule of Never Skipping Cutscenes in Tekken: A Community Tradition

Discover the secret rule in Tekken where players never skip the special cutscenes!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered why some Tekken players never skip the Kazuya and Jun cutscene? Dive into the secret rule!


  • Community celebrates special cutscenes
  • Players respect the tradition of watching Kazuya and Jun’s interaction
  • Each character pairing has its unique charm

Inukar on the Charm of Special Cutscenes

Inukar expresses the joy of experiencing the special cutscenes and how they add to the game’s immersion.

Vahjkyriel on Opponent Anxiety

Vahjkyriel shares anxieties and excitement over opponents potentially skipping cutscenes, impacting the shared experience.

mDundy08 on Similarities with Lili and Asuka

mDundy08 discusses how other character pairs like Lili and Asuka also have memorable interactions.

Final Thoughts

These unspoken rules and shared experiences create a unique bond among Tekken players, adding depth to the gaming community’s interactions.