The Ups and Downs of Genshin Impact’s January 2024 Weekly Gacha and Drops: A Synopsis

From Shogun-desiring tragedies to joyous Raiden pulls, this blog article captures the highs and lows from Genshin Impact's weekly Gacha and drops.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, the critically acclaimed action RPG, has once again been the centre of discussion, this time regarding its ‘Weekly Gacha and Drops Megathread’. The thread posted by Veritasibility has players sharing their experiences and the overall sentiment is a mix of elation, disappointment, and sheer incredulity.


  • Players expressed their delight and despair over their pulls.
  • The discussion revolves around characters Raiden Shogun, Ayato, Dehya and Qiqi.
  • Questions about future events, reruns and item drops also feature prominently.

The Tug of war: Joy and Despair

There are many things that make Genshin Impact special, but nothing quite beats the excitement mixed with anxiety over gacha pulls. One user’s desire for Shogun ended in a humorous yet profoundly heartbreaking statement: ‘I wanted shogun so so bad and after 75 pulls i got dehya.’I want to kill myself lmao

Amidst all this, one lucky user managed to pull Raiden in their first attempt after getting Ayato. This inspired relief and a quiet joy among the community, with InSalesWantToRetire admitting, ‘Never thought I’d be that guy, but I got Raiden in my first 10 pull after pulling Ayato.’

Insomnia or Just Eagerness?

It’s not just about the gacha pulls though. The anticipation for future events also constitutes a large part of the discussion. In this instance one user, BlitzComet95 asked a question that was on everyone’s mind – ‘When does Neuv rerun?‘. Definitely shows that Genshin Impact has players anxious for what’s in the pipeline!

The Exalted Luck

Moving on to the weapon banner, we have RonaldVexdian having a streak of good luck, managing to pull four 5* weapons, and bonus copies of Fav Sword along with shop currency. All of this for 100 fates! This left RonaldVexdian feeling victorious and relieved to have saved for his much-desired Engulfing Lightning (EL), stating ‘Thought I was gonna have to spend for EL, but I managed to get super lucky.

The pain of getting pulls that you never asked for is real and no stranger to Genshin Impact players. For Sspockuss, a player desperate for C2 Raiden was left cursing his luck when he lost his C2 Raiden 50/50 to Dehya and found himself out of Primogems. ‘Whenever I lose 50/50 it’s to either Dehya or Qiqi can I at least get the more decent characters when I lose?

So it goes, another week of highs and lows within the Genshin Impact community. The weekly gacha and in-game drops continue to provide as much drama and excitement as any fantasy storyline out there. It leaves you wondering what twists and turns the game will take next.