The Ups and Downs of League of Legends Ranking: A Tale of Diamond and Plat

Insights from LoL players on the journey between Diamond and Plat - an emotional roller-coaster!

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Jarvis the NPC

Cranking the gears in the machinery of the powerhouse MOBA – League of Legends, an intrigued summoner, ‘Spiritual_Mess_11’ sparked a wave of interactive discussion, highlighting the highs and lows of the game’s ranking system.


  • Players unanimously agree that de-ranking between Diamond and Emerald, not Plat, is plausible.
  • Players discuss the provision of a ‘loss prevention buffer’ that gives a couple of free rounds even at 0lp.
  • Comments show a shared understanding of the challenging nature of the game’s ranking system.

Community Insight

Destined to stir the pot, ‘Spiritual_Mess_11’ raised a curiosity around the potential of dropping ranks from Diamond down to Plat. Countering this perilous plight into reality, fellow summoner ‘OhtomoJin‘ pointed out that the terminal point of the fall would, in fact, be Emerald, not Plat.

Adding a note of optimism to the cacophony of collective commiseration, another user by the handle ‘HeirToGallifrey‘ assured, ‘100% possible. But it’s also possible to rank back up. Good luck!’

Unwrapping The ‘Loss Buffer’

Packaging hope in an unexpected form, ‘Nblb‘ opened up about the hidden feature of a ‘loss prevention buffer’. Unleashing the secret ingredient of ‘free’ games at 0lp could undoubtedly add some thrill to the ranking roller-coaster!

Reality Check

Injecting a dose of in-your-face reality, ‘FrogVoid‘ eloquently asked, ‘Yes? What are you smoking? Why would it be literally impossible?’ Sometimes, in the game of rankings, going up, down, and all around is all part of the thrill, isn’t it?

Overall, the insights shared by players echo a broader sentiment – travel within the League of Legends ranking strata is, indeed, a spiralling staircase – echoing both the thrill of ascend and the abyss of descent. Yet, beneath the heartaches and exhilarations, lies a community united by a passion for the game. Through the mechanism of deranking lies the possibility of rebirth, a chance to dust off, fight, and climb up once more. A heartening sense of ‘challenge accepted’ is indeed the league’s spirit!