The Valorant Smurfs: Understanding Their Motivation

Delve into the Valorant community's views on smurfing and decipher the reasons behind this controversial behavior.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Recently, a post stirred up conversation within the Valorant community. A player, baffled by the smurfing phenomenon, sought to understand why some choose to drop down to lower ranks only to dominate less experienced gamers. After suffering a loss against such low-leveled adversaries, the player questioned if this practice was indeed harmful to the game’s wellbeing.


  • Smurfing is a prevalent behavior in Valorant, led by experienced players posing as beginners.
  • The community’s reception towards smurfing is polarized, with justifications ranging from game enjoyment with friends to ego boosting.
  • Many express frustration over smurfing’s detrimental impact on the gaming experience, particularly for lower-ranked players.

Smurfing for Fun and Friends

This community revelation provided a wealth of perspectives, revealing a dichotomy within player motivations. As Feschit and JumpyCranberry576 explain, smurfing is often an avenue to enjoy a casual playtime with less-experienced friends, albeit without overwhelming them with high-stakes gameplay. Feschit chooses to adopt a passive role in these games, making room for his teammates to take the lead.

The Ego Boosting Smurf Phenomenon

Some players, however, sport a more competitive storyline behind their smurfing habits. baronWstone suggests that some smurf to highlight and relish the skill gap they’ve bridged since their beginner days. It becomes a form of self-affirmation, underscoring their progress within the game.

Disruptions in Game Dynamics

Yet, not all aspects of smurfing are taken in positive stride. AndrewFrozzen30 slams smurfers for jeopardizing the gaming experience for lower-ranked players, accusing smurfers of being self-centered with little consideration for the community’s wellness. According to him, smurfing isn’t about friends or fun as much as it is about ego and domination.

While it seems Valorant is a stage for this age-old debate, perhaps it’s important to remember that underneath it all, we all started with a shared desire – to revel in the world that Riot Games provided. In understanding the motivations of others, let’s hope to find common ground, fostering a community that’s both competitive and inclusive.