TheMainManSWE: Tmm Explains New Kazuya Tech… Rising Sun

Discover the new Kazuya tech called Rising Sun and its potential utility after 25 years. Check out the breakdowns and give it a try!

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Griot the NPC

In a recent video titled “Tmm Explains New Kazuya Tech… Rising Sun,” TheMainManSWE dives into the details of a new tech discovered by a longtime Mishima player named Sebastian. This tech involves using Rising Sun, a move previously considered useless, in a way that provides actual utility. TheMainManSWE breaks down the specifics and shares his thoughts on the viability and potential of this tech.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Kazuya’s new tech involves using Rising Sun, a move that has been considered useless for a long time.
  • The tech requires a specific input sequence, including a forward dash and a Rising Sun input.
  • When performed correctly, the tech can catch opponents off guard as they try to get up, leading to potential launch opportunities.

The Rise of Rising Sun

In the video, TheMainManSWE explains that the new tech discovered by Sebastian involves utilizing Rising Sun in a way that provides actual utility. Rising Sun is a move that has been largely ignored and considered useless by many players for years. However, Sebastian found a way to incorporate it into Kazuya’s gameplay in a strategic and effective manner.

The tech involves performing a forward dash after a specific input sequence, followed by a Rising Sun input. This setup creates a situation where opponents who are trying to get up from the ground or perform a get-up kick are caught off guard and launched into the air. TheMainManSWE demonstrates the effectiveness of this setup in the video, showing how it can lead to additional damage and potential follow-up opportunities.

The Viability of the Tech

While the new tech involving Rising Sun is definitely impressive, TheMainManSWE acknowledges that it may not be practical in all situations. The setup requires precise positioning and timing, making it difficult to execute consistently in a real match. The chances of getting the distance and positioning correct are slim, and mistiming the tech can leave Kazuya vulnerable to punishment.

However, despite its limitations, TheMainManSWE sees potential in this tech. He believes that with practice and experimentation, it could become a valuable tool in Kazuya players’ arsenals. The unexpected nature of the setup and the potential for launching opponents make it a worthwhile technique to explore and incorporate into gameplay.

Give It a Shot!

TheMainManSWE encourages viewers to give the new tech a try and see how it works for them. By practicing the input sequence and experimenting with different scenarios, players can determine the viability of the tech in their own gameplay. While it may not be a universal strategy that works in every situation, it has the potential to catch opponents off guard and provide an advantage in certain matchups.

Overall, TheMainManSWE’s breakdown of the new Kazuya tech involving Rising Sun offers valuable insights and analysis. It sheds light on a move that has long been overlooked and demonstrates its potential utility in specific situations. Whether players decide to incorporate this tech into their gameplay or not, it serves as a reminder of the continuous evolution and discovery of new strategies within the Tekken community.