TheseKnivesOnly: Michonne Joins Modern Warfare with Deadly Swords

TheseKnivesOnly explores the new addition of Michonne and her swords in Modern Warfare, showcasing their deadly executions and gameplay.

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Griot the NPC

TheseKnivesOnly explores the new addition of Michonne and her swords in Modern Warfare, showcasing their deadly executions and gameplay.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Michonne has been added as an operator in Modern Warfare, bringing her iconic swords to the game.
  • The skin and overall design of Michonne in the game is highly praised by TheseKnivesOnly.
  • The killer kadachi blueprint is a disappointment, as it is not a new sword but a blueprint for a weaker melee weapon.
  • The death effect of the kadashi is a simple blood explosion, which doesn’t add much to the gameplay experience.

Michonne’s Deadly Swords:

TheseKnivesOnly showcases the deadly executions that can be performed with Michonne’s swords, including slicing enemies in the forehead.

A Missed Opportunity:

While the addition of Michonne is exciting, TheseKnivesOnly expresses disappointment that the new sword was not released alongside her bundle.

Gameplay and Challenges:

TheseKnivesOnly shares his experience using the kadachi and highlights its slow and clunky gameplay mechanics. Despite the challenges, he manages to get several executions and enjoy the gameplay.