TheseKnivesOnly: Rag Dolling Players with a Sledgehammer in Modern Warfare 3

Watch TheseKnivesOnly as he wreaks havoc with a sledgehammer in Modern Warfare 3, leaving players angry and bewildered.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back to another video on the channel as TheseKnivesOnly changes his name to ‘Getg Gooder’ in Modern Warfare 3 to avoid being constantly recognized in-game. In this video, he showcases his skills with the sledgehammer in Search and Destroy, compiling various funny reactions and moments. If you enjoy this content, consider subscribing to TheseKnivesOnly’s YouTube channel!

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If you enjoy this content, consider subscribing to TheseKnivesOnly’s YouTube channel!

Key Takeaways:

  • TheseKnivesOnly showcases his skills with the sledgehammer in Modern Warfare 3
  • Players react with anger and confusion to being rag-dolled by the sledgehammer
  • Funny moments and reactions are compiled into one entertaining video

Rag Dolling Players with a Sledgehammer

In this video, TheseKnivesOnly demonstrates his mastery of the sledgehammer in Modern Warfare 3’s Search and Destroy mode. He changes his name to ‘Getg Gooder’ to avoid being constantly recognized in-game, allowing him to focus on creating genuine content. The compilation includes various games and reactions, showcasing the power and effectiveness of the sledgehammer.

Throughout the video, TheseKnivesOnly encounters both frustration and amusement from other players. They are often caught off guard and unable to defend themselves against the unexpected attacks. The sledgehammer proves to be a formidable weapon, as TheseKnivesOnly effortlessly eliminates his opponents.

One of the standout moments in the video is when TheseKnivesOnly attempts a ninja defuse, sneaking up on an enemy planting the bomb. Although he fails to defuse the bomb, the reaction from the enemy player is priceless. They express disbelief and frustration at being outplayed by the sledgehammer.

Angry Reactions and Funny Moments

As TheseKnivesOnly continues to dominate with the sledgehammer, players become increasingly angry and bewildered. They question how they could be defeated by such an unconventional weapon and express their frustration through voice chat. However, TheseKnivesOnly remains unfazed and continues to deliver entertaining gameplay.

One memorable moment occurs when TheseKnivesOnly executes an enemy player with the sledgehammer. The defeated player responds with a surprising comment, attempting to insult TheseKnivesOnly but only managing to entertain the audience further. The humorous interactions between TheseKnivesOnly and other players add an extra layer of entertainment to the video.

Ultimately, TheseKnivesOnly’s video showcases the fun and chaotic nature of using the sledgehammer in Modern Warfare 3. It highlights the reactions and emotions it elicits from other players, making for an entertaining viewing experience.