Thinking Man’s Valorant: Analyzing Apeks vs NASR and their ISO Ascent Plays

Discover the impressive ISO Ascent plays made by Apeks and NASR in this analysis by Thinking Man's Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

In this video analysis by Thinking Man’s Valorant, we delve into the intriguing Ascent composition utilized by Apeks and NASR. The teams opted for a no Sentinel double controller setup, with Omen and Viper, along with a double duelist combination featuring Sky and ISO. Despite the unconventional lineup, they managed to secure a victory with a score of 13-4. However, before we explore the impressive ISO plays, let’s first address an issue often seen with Viper setups in Valorant.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Viper setup flaws and a better alternative
  • Effective use of ISO vulnerability and Odin spam
  • The game-changing potential of ISO’s ultimate
  • The impact of Viper’s wall threat and how it can influence enemy movement

The Problem with Viper Setups

One of the main issues with Viper setups showcased in the video is the ineffective use of her abilities. In a typical setup, the Viper wall is placed across B, while the Viper orb is positioned in B main. However, this can lead to a fuel usage dilemma. When opponents rush B, the Viper needs to use the orb and other utilities to defend the site. But the fuel is depleted, leaving little opportunity to use the Viper wall effectively. A better alternative, as demonstrated by Apeks, is placing the Viper orb and wall on A, allowing for immediate threat and delaying attackers.

Impressive ISO Plays

Despite the sky dying, the ISO vulnerability combined with Odin spam demonstrated immense potential. With proper timing and a bit of luck, the ISO play could have resulted in multiple kills. Additionally, the ISO ultimate played a pivotal role in turning a 5v5 into a 3v1 and eventually securing the round for Apeks. The vulnerability effect and the ability to isolate enemies made ISO a valuable asset in these situations.

Viper’s Wall Threat and Enemy Movement

The threat of Viper’s wall can heavily influence enemy movement and decision-making. In one round, Apeks used a Viper wall in B main, causing the Jet to reposition into B main. However, the Viper wall made it challenging for the Jet to have an impact, as they needed to be ahead of the wall to engage effectively. This showcased the strength of Viper’s utility, even without directly using it. The Viper’s presence alone can force opponents into suboptimal positions.

The video analysis by Thinking Man’s Valorant highlighted the innovative Ascent comp used by Apeks and NASR. Their strategic use of Viper and ISO demonstrated the potential of unconventional compositions. Additionally, the flaws in typical Viper setups were addressed, providing insight into more effective strategies. By understanding the impact of agent abilities and positioning, teams can gain a competitive advantage in Valorant.