Thinking Man’s Valorant: Analyzing Apeks vs NASR and Their ISO Ascent Plays

Discover the incredible ISO Ascent plays by Apeks and NASR in this analysis by Thinking Man's Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

Thinking Man’s Valorant recently released a video analyzing the Apeks vs NASR match on Ascent. The video focuses on the unique composition used by Apeks, featuring a double controller setup with Omen and Viper, and a double duelist setup with Sky and ISO. The video also delves into the flaws of traditional Viper setups and offers alternative strategies.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Apeks’ unconventional composition of no Sentinels and double controllers proves to be successful on Ascent.
  • The flaws of traditional Viper setups are discussed, emphasizing the importance of positioning and utility usage.
  • The ISO agent is highlighted for its potential impact in rounds, showcasing a unique vulnerable play and ult usage.
  • The Viper setup on B site and the threat of the Viper wall create advantageous situations for Apeks.

The Flaws of Traditional Viper Setups

In the video, Thinking Man’s Valorant criticizes the common Viper setups seen in games, specifically focusing on round three of the match. The issue lies in the placement of the Viper orb and its impact on utility usage. When the orb is up, players are forced to conserve fuel, limiting their ability to effectively use the Viper wall. Apeks addresses this flaw by adapting their strategy and relocating the Viper orb to A site instead.

The Impact of ISO Agent

A standout feature of the match is the use of the ISO agent by Apeks. The video highlights a vulnerable play by ISO, which showcases its potential to secure multiple kills. Although the sky player dies during the play, the vulnerability created by ISO presents a significant threat to the opponents. Additionally, an impressive ISO ult is shown in round 12, where Apeks successfully turns a 5v5 situation into a 2v1, ultimately winning the round.

Apeks’ Effective Viper Setup on B Site

Apeks’ Viper setup on B site proves to be a game-changer in multiple rounds. The threat of the Viper wall forces opponents to hesitate and consider alternative routes, delaying their execution. The Viper player’s positioning and effective use of utility, such as snake bites, prevent the opponents from entering the site, even in the presence of a Killjoy lockdown. This strategic advantage allows Apeks to secure crucial rounds and maintain control of the map.

A Successful Round with Jet and Viper Combo

In round 16, Apeks utilizes a combination of Jet and Viper to gain an advantage on the attacking side. The Viper wall in B main prevents the opponents from easily accessing the site, forcing them to reposition and giving Apeks time to regroup. The Viper player’s well-timed shot with a sheriff and the threat of the Viper wall contribute to the elimination of multiple opponents, leading to a successful round for Apeks.