Thordan Smash: Apex Legends New Collection Event Ruined By EA

Thordan Smash discusses how EA and Respawn's new milestone event in Apex Legends goes against their previous promises and the impact it has on the game's future.

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Thordan Smash’s recent video discusses the new collection event in Apex Legends and its negative impact on the game. The event, called Double Take, is similar to previous collection events and allows players to craft and unlock desired skins. However, the upcoming milestone event takes a different approach, forcing players to gamble on Apex packs for a chance to obtain the desired rewards. This goes against the promises made by EA and Respawn in the past, causing disappointment among the player base.

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Key Takeaways:

  • EA and Respawn’s new milestone event deviates from previous collection events, requiring players to gamble with Apex packs for rewards.
  • Players are disappointed with the change as it goes against the promises made by the developers.
  • The milestone event introduces a hard-to-obtain reactive skin for the Havoc, further frustrating players.
  • The shift in event structure and monetization raises concerns about the future direction of Apex Legends.

The Issue with the Milestone Event

The upcoming milestone event in Apex Legends has caused significant backlash among the player base. Unlike previous collection events, where players could directly craft or unlock desired skins, the milestone event requires them to rely on Apex packs and their luck to obtain rewards. This change goes against the promises made by EA and Respawn in the past, leaving players disappointed and frustrated.

One of the rewards in the milestone event is a Havoc recolor, the first-ever reactive skin in Apex Legends. However, the chances of obtaining this skin are extremely low, with a 2.5% drop rate. This rarity, combined with the inability to directly purchase or craft the skin, further exacerbates players’ frustrations.

A Broken Promise

In the past, EA and Respawn acknowledged their mistake with the iron Crown Collection event, where players couldn’t directly purchase desired skins. They promised to provide fair monetization options and choices for players. However, with the introduction of the milestone event, they seem to have forgotten their previous promises.

This backtracking on promises and the shift towards a more gambling-based system raises concerns about the future direction of Apex Legends. Players fear that the game will become more focused on microtransactions and less on providing a fair and enjoyable experience.

Player Disappointment and Declining Player Count

The disappointment caused by the milestone event is reflected in the declining player count of Apex Legends. While the new collection event initially saw a peak in player numbers, it quickly declined. This decline, coupled with ongoing issues with anti-cheat and false bans, raises concerns about the game’s overall health and player satisfaction.

Additionally, players are still waiting for the return of original heirlooms, such as the Newcastle heirloom that was teased but has yet to be released. Instead, the focus seems to be on introducing more artifact shards and customizable heirlooms, which may not appeal to all players.

The new milestone event in Apex Legends has left players disappointed and frustrated. The shift away from direct skin crafting and the introduction of a gambling-based system goes against the promises made by EA and Respawn. This, coupled with ongoing issues and declining player numbers, raises concerns about the future of the game. As players, we hope that Respawn will listen to feedback and make changes that align with their initial promises and the desires of the community.