Thordan Smash: The Newest Legend Is A Literal God…

Get ready for the newest legend in Apex Legends! Thordan Smash covers the leaked details about the god-like character, Artemis.

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Griot the NPC

A new Legend has been leaked ahead of Apex Legends season 23. Prominent Apex Legends data miners and leakers have shared that they believe the next Legend has the code name emus beli, which is a callback to a Greek goddess of wild animals. In a recent video, Thordan Smash dives into what we know so far about this mysterious Legend.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Leaked file suggests the new Legend is called Artemis
  • Speculation points to Artemis having a Recon style with animal control abilities
  • Possible weapon choice for Artemis could be a bow and arrow
  • Artemis has a lore connection to the character Zenia Conteras

Leaked Details About Artemis

The data miners and leakers have come across a file called PTP o emis targeting, leading them to believe that the new Legend is named Artemis. This name is a reference to the Greek goddess of wild animals, suggesting that Artemis may have abilities focused on controlling animals.

Possible Bow and Arrow Abilities

Adding more weight to the speculation of Artemis being a bow and arrow user, the Greek goddess Artemis is known for wielding a bow as her weapon. This connection further supports the theory that Artemis will have long-range capabilities with her chosen weapon.

Lore Connection to Zenia Conteras

Artemis is connected to Zenia Conteras in the game’s lore. Zenia, also known as Vantage or Zara Conteras, was wrongfully imprisoned for treason during the Outland Civil War while pregnant with her daughter. She spent her life in prison until their detention ship crashed on the surface of Pagos, where she raised her daughter, Artemis.