Time to Boycott Clash Royale: Reddit Users Speak Out

Clash Royale fans debate boycotting the game over in-game purchase concerns. Will they follow through?

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale fans are divided over in-game purchases, with some calling for a boycott. How will this affect the game’s future?


  • Players criticize Clash Royale’s in-game purchase model.
  • Some feel the game favors paying players over free ones.
  • Calls for a boycott arise due to perceived unfair practices.

Embarrassed-Mouse984’s Perspective

Embarrassed-Mouse984 humorously points out the irony of boycotting while still engaging with the game.

BROEDYtheROCKER’s Observation

BROEDYtheROCKER highlights the contradiction of complaining about Clash Royale yet supporting it financially.

JackOffAllTraders’ Alternative Suggestions

JackOffAllTraders suggests redirecting spending to other entertainment options like Hades during a Steam sale.

Final Thoughts

Clash Royale faces scrutiny over their revenue model. Will the community push for change or continue to support the game?