To Buy or Not to Buy: The Clash Royale Dilemma

Join the debate on the value for money of invisible currencies within the Clash Royale community. The talk is all about Evo archers.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Clash Royale community, debate is heating up over whether or not to fork up $12 for evo archers. The game’s player, Ponyoisbakla, is in a pickle: is the evo archer pack, with its tantalizing price tag of $12, worth buying or is it too steep a price for mere invisible currency?


  • The community argues that the diamond pass, offering arguably more ‘value’ might be a better spend.
  • Many advise against giving Supercell any money at all.
  • However, a few believe that if Clash Royale brings joy, consider the Evo archer pack as a donation for that happiness.

The Argument Against

A stern ‘Hell no’ from a TacoThatGames, sets the tone for this side of the debate. Dark_Al_97 seconds this sentiment by stating that if you have to question the purchase, it’s a hard pass.His rule of thumb: When in doubt, refrain.

The Argument For

On the other hand, a piece of financial wisdom from Christian1111111111 diverges from the popular opinion. He’s all for buying happiness, since the game has brought him joy, and purchasing these evo upgrades is simply a ‘donation’ for that happiness. Davos_Storm opines that this offer is a no-brainer, offering 8 times value for a genuinely invested Clash Royale user.

Caught in the Middle

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, there are those who are unsure. Cue Correct-Concept-6024 and Ill_Needleworker_203 providing a third way – advising those to get the points pass and echo sentiments of earlier mentions of the diamond pass. Nonetheless, Ponyoisbakla still has unanswered questions. Notably, should Ponyoisbakla give in to the temptation that is the evo archer pack?

There we have it folks, the Clash Royale community, ever passionate about their beloved game, heavily debating the necessity of the evo archers. What are your thoughts on this burning issue? Will you be team diamond pass, team Supercell donation, or somewhere in the middle? Whatever your wallet’s decision, may the odds always be in your favor in the Clash Royale realm.