To Spend or Hoard Crafting Materials in Apex Legends: Players Speak Out

Should you spend or hoard crafting materials in Apex Legends? Players share their strategies and insights in this post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are faced with the eternal dilemma: spend or hoard crafting materials. Some believe in saving for special events, while others prefer to splurge on skins. Let’s delve into the community’s diverse perspectives on this crucial decision.


  • Some players advocate for hoarding crafting materials for collection events and special skins.
  • Others enjoy purchasing event skins using crafting materials, appreciating the flexibility it offers.
  • Several players prefer to save crafting materials for gold items or legendary skins.
  • There is a diverse range of strategies, from saving for specific skins to crafting original recolors.

Insights on Spending Crafting Materials

One player, Greedy-Health-7467, expressed excitement over being able to purchase event skins with crafting materials, highlighting the newfound availability of this option during the current event. They appreciated the opportunity to acquire their favorite skins without spending real money, showcasing a positive sentiment towards spending in this context.

Strategies for Hoarding Materials

On the opposite end, players like WhySoIncandescent believe in hoarding crafting materials for collection events, citing a cautionary tale of spending right before such an event was announced. This approach reflects a strategic mindset focused on long-term planning and maximizing value.

The Debate: Value vs. Immediate Gratification

For some players, the decision hinges on perceived value. Rigamortus2005 outlined their success in obtaining legendary skins without spending real money by saving crafting materials for gold items, highlighting a patient approach that prioritizes high-value items.