Top 10 Fortnite Skins We Need Immediately – A Reddit Discussion

Check out what Fortnite players are saying about the skins they are dreaming of! Will Epic Games deliver?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans on Reddit are buzzing about the possibility of some epic new skins making their way into the game. User kalxto started a thread talking about potential skins that have players excited. Let’s dive into the conversation and see what the community is dreaming of.


  • Players are requesting iconic skins like Samus and Crysis suits.
  • Some users feel strongly about adding skins from other popular games like Helldivers.
  • There’s a sentiment of not needing new skins if certain iconic characters are added.

Power Armor and Peter Griffin, but Where’s the Space Marine?

Mr-GooGoo points out the glaring absence of a space marine skin, especially with the current lineup of skins available. Are we missing out on a classic here?

Nintendo Crossover Dreams – Why No Samus?

Sorry_Ring_4630 expresses disappointment in Nintendo for not letting Epic Games include Samus in Fortnite. A missed opportunity for a legendary crossover?

Crysis Suit Hype

xGimpel adds to the wishlist by suggesting a Crysis suit skin, which would undoubtedly make a splash in the Fortnite universe. Will we ever see it?

Fans Dreaming Big

GodBlessTheEnclave- entertains the idea of adding Helldivers to Fortnite, creating a hilarious image for fans. Would this be a dream come true for some players?