Top 10 Halloween-Themed Characters Fans Want to See in Fortnite Fortnitmares 2024

NetxGhost asks, who should join Fortnite for Fortnitmares 2024? Fans share their spooky character wishlist.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are already looking ahead to Fortnitmares 2024 and suggesting Halloween-themed characters for the event. NetxGhost kicked off the speculation by asking the community: ‘What other Horror/Halloween-themed characters would you like to see for Fortnitmares 2024?’


  • Fans want to see a diverse range of Halloween characters, from iconic movie villains like Jason Voorhees to pop culture icons like Heath Ledger’s Joker.
  • Many suggest characters from horror classics like Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, and Jigsaw.
  • Some fans are keen on crossovers, with mentions of Rick and Morty and Kingdom Hearts’ Halloween Town Sora.

Ghostface from Scream

One user suggested, ‘Ghostface from Scream,’ tapping into the classic slasher genre that has long been a staple of Halloween scares. The idea of facing off against the iconic killer in Fortnite’s world intrigued many.

Freddy Krueger

Another user mentioned Freddy Krueger, known for haunting dreams in the ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ series. Bringing Freddy into the mix could introduce a new level of terror to Fortnite.

The Creature from the Black Lagoon

One redditor proposed The Creature from the Black Lagoon, diving into the realm of classic monsters. Imagining such a creature in the game’s environment sparked curiosity among fans.

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

An interesting choice was the Killer Klowns from Outer Space, offering a unique twist on the horror theme by venturing into the realm of extraterrestrial fear. The playful yet eerie nature of these characters could add a fun dynamic to the game.

Fortnite fans are clearly excited about the potential Halloween offerings for Fortnitmares 2024, with diverse suggestions ranging from beloved horror icons to unexpected pop culture references. The community’s creativity knows no bounds, and it will be interesting to see if any of these spooky wishes become reality in Fortnite’s upcoming events.