Top 10 Most Annoying Enemies in Hades as Voted by Fans – 2023 Guide

Discover the most irritating enemies in Hades according to devoted players. Dodge lasers, shield users, and more!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades is a game cherished by many for its fast-paced action, stunning visuals, and intricate storytelling. One aspect that ignites passions among fans is the enemy design, with some adversaries provoking more frustration than others.


  • Satyr cultists poison players from afar, leading to unexpected deaths.
  • Enemies like shadow spitters and punch guys pose unique challenges.
  • Mourning Fields enemies and shield-wielding screamers can also be vexing foes.

Satyr Cultists and Their Poisonous Vengeance

Players express frustration at the satyr cultists’ ability to poison them from a distance, often leading to a frantic search for the cure point while dodging traps and enemies.

Shield-Wielding Screamers: A Ranged Nightmare

Dealing with shield-wielding screamers without ranged options becomes a test in patience, as players resort to constant backpedaling and hoping other mobs won’t exploit the opening.

Oceanus Crab: The Armored Puzzle

The Oceanus crab’s armored shell presents a unique challenge, forcing players to wait for the opportune moment to strike while contending with its near-invulnerability.

Butterfly ball, little chariots, and the menacing harpies in Tartarus also receive their share of ire from players, highlighting the varied and exhilarating enemy encounters in Hades.