Top 5 Games Similar to Hades That Will Scratch Your Itch

Looking for games like Hades but not necessarily roguelikes? Check out these top picks recommended by players!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever since diving into the world of Hades, players have been on the lookout for games that capture that same magic without being typical roguelikes. Recently, a redditor, laikabird, sought suggestions for games with a similar vibe to Hades but with different gameplay mechanics. Let’s see what the community recommends!


  • Players seek games like Hades with immersive writing and captivating atmosphere.
  • Community suggests games such as Bastion, Transistor, and Death’s Door.
  • The hunt for games sharing Hades’ charm continues as players explore new titles.

Games Similar to Hades

When it comes to games reminiscent of Hades, several titles have been recommended by the community. One user, Logos89, suggested games like Bastion, Transistor, Warm Snow, Ember Knights, Enter the Necrovale, and Children of Morta. These games offer diverse settings and rich narratives that can appeal to fans of Hades’ storytelling.

Death’s Door: A Hidden Gem

User Jet-Speed7 brought up Death’s Door, highlighting its similar combat style to Hades but in a Zelda-like adventure. The game stands out with its quirky characters, engaging story, and unique protagonist—a crow. Jet-Speed7 hails Death’s Door as a standout gem in the gaming landscape.

Exploring Mythological Realms

If mythology is your jam, user SoFewCups recommended Stray Gods for those wanting to delve deeper into myth-related content. This game promises a different take on divine tales, adding a refreshing twist to the genre.

Dead Cells: A Side-scrolling Adventure

User Anning312 suggested Dead Cells as a somewhat close match to Hades, despite being a side-scrolling game. This action-packed title offers a blend of challenging gameplay and intrigue, making it a worthy contender in the search for Hades-like experiences.

As the quest for games akin to Hades continues, players are uncovering hidden gems and unique narratives that resonate with their love for storytelling and engaging gameplay. With a plethora of recommendations from the community, players have a variety of titles to explore that capture the essence of Hades in different ways.