Top Annoyances in Palworld: Bugs and Glitches Galore

Palworld players share frustrating experiences with bugs and glitches that impede their gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players express their frustrations with game bugs and glitches that disrupt their gameplay on different levels.


  • Players encounter game-breaking bugs at crucial moments in Palworld.
  • Bugs like Pals getting stuck or disappearing hinder player progress.
  • The grappling gun glitch and other technical hiccups hamper the gaming experience.

Glitch Hell

Many users lamented facing game-breaking bugs that impede capturing Pals at crucial moments. Player PPlover239 described a frustrating experience of a Pal vanishing after getting stuck at 1HP, highlighting a major gameplay annoyance.

Camera Woes

User No_Confection_4967 humorously mentioned how even the camera angle in Palworld caused them distress. The frustration in their comment reflects the little things that can disrupt immersion in games.

Bugbear Glitches

EjayMasterz highlighted the grappling gun glitch, which not only affects gameplay but also disrupts immersion with character animation issues. This frustration adds to the growing list of technical hiccups hampering the overall experience.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the community shares a mixed sentiment towards Palworld’s bugs and glitches. While some suggest patience until the game is fully released, others express genuine frustration that dampens their enjoyment. These technical issues serve as a reminder of the challenges developers face in creating seamless gaming experiences.