Top Choices for Your Next Agent in Valorant – Who Will You Choose?

Deciding on your next agent in Valorant? Get advice from fellow players on who to unlock next for the perfect gaming experience!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Are you a new player in Valorant, trying to decide on your next agent to unlock? Look no further than the suggestions of experienced players on Reddit.


  • Exploring different agents’ playstyles can enhance your experience.
  • Consider agents with fun movements and abilities to keep the game engaging.
  • Personal preference and playstyle should be crucial in your decision-making.

Unlocking a New Agent

Many players suggested trying out different agents to discover various playstyles and abilities. Ranging from Raze with her dynamic movement to versatile picks like Killjoy or Sova, each agent offers a unique gameplay experience. Some players recommended focusing on your preferred playstyle, whether it’s tactical support or aggressive dueling.

Chamber – a Unique Choice

Chamber stood out among the suggestions for his sniper prowess and impactful role in gameplay. Players highlighted how learning to use snipers can be a rewarding experience, emphasizing the power of OPing and the strategic advantages it provides. The idea of forcing opponents to play cautiously and the satisfaction of landing precise shots were major selling points for Chamber.

The Beauty of Choice

Valorant offers a diverse selection of agents, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Exploring different agents not only enhances your gameplay but also adds a layer of excitement to your matches. Whether you prefer strategic gameplay with agents like Cypher or enjoy the intensity of fragging out with Raze, there’s an agent to suit every playstyle.