Top Clash Royale Deck Advice from Reddit Community

Discover the top deck advice and tips from Reddit's Clash Royale community!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Clash Royale subreddit, user LawsonLevi sought feedback on his deck composition, sparking a flurry of insightful comments and suggestions from fellow players. Let’s dive into the vibrant discussion and glean some invaluable deck-building insights!


  • Synergy is crucial – cards like Tornado and Lightning can complement your core cards.
  • Diversity matters – adding a big spell like Lightning or Tornado can enhance your deck’s versatility.
  • Adapt to playstyle – while suggestions are helpful, ultimately, stick to what works best for your gameplay preferences.

Deck Synergy

Player AcrobaticDraft5412 emphasizes the importance of pairing Electro Giant with Tornado and Lightning due to their synergy in gameplay mechanics.

Balancing Spells

Redditor MickyDerHeld suggests replacing Fisher with Tornado for enhanced air defense and better card manipulation for Electro Giant strategies.

Deck Versatility

Background-Soup7684 highlights the potential benefits of adding a big spell like Lightning or Tornado for a well-rounded deck, balancing offense and defense.

User ImNotArtistic’s succinct reaction, ‘Oh my god,’ echoes the sentiment of the diverse opinions and advice shared in the thread, showcasing the passionate Clash Royale community in action. It’s clear that deck composition is a mix of strategy, synergy, and personal playstyle, making each deck unique to its creator and their preferred tactics.