Top Desires for Hades 2: Fans’ Wishlist Revealed

Explore the community's fervent wishes for the upcoming Hades sequel.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players have voiced their desires for improvements and enhancements in Hades 2. Here’s a look at what the community is yearning for in the anticipated sequel.


  • Fans wish for Mel to have a fan in the Scylla fight like Zag.
  • Players find Poseidon buffs underwhelming for resource gathering.
  • A desire for alternate ways to collect ash beyond Erebus runs.
  • Surface runs should not count against nights before acquiring the ability to survive above.

Desire for Mel’s Fan

While some players desire Mel to wield a fan during the Scylla battle akin to Zag’s arena fan, others appreciate the uniqueness this combat element brings to Hades 2. The community remains divided on this potential addition.

The Poseidon Conundrum

Despite Poseidon’s undeniable strength, criticisms arise regarding his resource gathering boons. Players yearn for more impactful enhancements that align with the god’s powerful stature.

Enhancing Resource Acquisition

Players seek diversified methods for acquiring ash, venturing beyond the repetitive Erebus runs. Enriching the gameplay experience by introducing innovative resource-gathering mechanisms is a popular sentiment among the community.

Shaping the Surface Runs

The discussion about surface runs counting against nights before unlocking the survival ability above raises valid concerns. Players advocate for a structured approach that segregates surface runs to enhance the progression dynamics in Hades 2.