Top FIFA Full-backs Used by Fans – A Reddit Roundup

Discover which full-backs FIFA players are currently raving about on Reddit! From Zanetti to Theo, find out the fan favorites!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you struggling to pick the best full-backs in FIFA? Reddit users have the ultimate lineup tips! Dive into the world of top Fullbacks used by FIFA players.


  • Players are loving the versatility of full-backs in FIFA.
  • Zanetti and Theo seem to be popular choices among the community.
  • Fans appreciate unique playstyles and stats when selecting full-backs.

Top Picks

Reddit users like TeenIchero swear by Davies and Frimpong for their defensive prowess. “I feel like I can trust them on the pitch,” he says.

Community Favorites

Standard_Attention23 praises TOTS Ona and Dimarco but recently switched ona with Clauss for a fresh gameplay experience.

Fan Reactions

Deepit6431 believes that 98-84-94-94-92-93 stats of Evo WW Havertz definitely make up for his slight playstyle shortcomings.